
If you are interested in umpiring for BAFHA, please let know via e-mail. We are particularly looking for Level 2 and 3 Umpires (or people who plan to attain that rating). If you are aware of any qualified candidates, please forward this e-mail to them.

BAFHA plays standard FIH rules on Astroturf fields (currently UC Berkeley and Stanford). Please register as an umpire (or player/umpire) via BAFHA waiver.

1. BAFHA will use the USA Field Hockey Rating system designations

Assigned (other than those provided by teams) umpires will be reimbursed at the following pay rate:

  • Unrated: $0 / game
  • Foundation Umpire: $10 / game
  • Level 1: $20 / game
  • Level 2: $50 / game
  • Level 3: $60/ game

2. The Umpiring Chair or Executive Committee may temporarily assign a level designation to umpires that they have evaluated and judged to meet the relevant criteria, even if they have not yet gone through the formal rating certification. Umpires operating with this temporary rating will be paid at a rate of $5/game less than fully rated umpires.